Wordless Wednesday – I Spy With My Little Eye …

… something in the refrigerator that I didn’t put there.

Here are some other great Wordless Wednesday posts

Live and Love...Out Loud The Paper Mama5 Minutes for Mom
Better in Bulk

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11 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – I Spy With My Little Eye …

  1. sooo cute. too cute to eat for sure 🙂

  2. Katie Smith says:

    hehe how cute

  3. Thank you for your kind words over at My 2 Cents
    I am a GFC fan of yours (My 2 Cents) and I too LOVE pictures with the back lighting in them. This is one I grabbed a week or so ago and I just love it!

  4. How incredibly adorable she is! 🙂 Love those pics!

  5. Amy says:

    Haha, CUTE! I love the facial expression from the second photo.

  6. Mallory says:

    Lol- and I thought it was funny when I found a pacifier in the fridge the other day.

  7. kewkew says:

    She looks like she is up to some mischief. Oh wait, she is. Love her expression in the second shot.

  8. Sarah says:

    Ha ha! Too funny!

  9. LOL!! Oh that smile is so ornery! What a cute capture!

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