Wordless Wednesday – Her First Lesson

With summer in full swing I thought it best to have the Little Miss take swimming lessons. I must say she hated every minute of them. She cried, drank the water, threw the water up and started all over – for eight days! Now, I will ease your mind, that was three weeks ago and today she is a jumping, swimming, fun-loving water bug. I really wasn’t sure if she would ever get in the water after those lessons, but she LOVES the pool.

Here are some other great Wordless Wednesday posts

Live and Love...Out Loud The Paper Mama5 Minutes for Mom
Better in Bulk Dagmar’s Momsense

Please link up your Wordless Wednesday below and please leave a comment.

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9 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Her First Lesson

  1. DavisC says:

    My name is Carol Davis and I’m a fellow blogger and photography intern for the Vasa Transmedia Project. The Vasa Project’s vision is to bring photographers and other visual artists together to share work, ideas, exhibition information, essays on photography and new media in a dynamic and interactive online environment called Vasa Transmedia. We want to invite you to contribute essays, personal work, reviews, etc. to the Vasa blog and essentially become a part of the Vasa Transmedia community. If you are interested we would appreciate you linking your blog to the Transmedia blog and we ask that you add us to your blog roll as well. Essentially our goal is to bring photographers, writers and visual artists under one umbrella. We would also like you to consider doing a gallery talk about your work sometime in the future.You can check Transmedia Blog out at the link below. You can post a request to the blog to be a contributor and we will get back to you with submission details.


    “Transmedia is a global networking project publishing the work of artists, theorists, critics and others on an international scale transcending traditional media categories. At a time when global networked communications are breaking down traditional concepts of space and time and moving beyond traditional forms of publication and networking, Transmedia, VASA’s Blogging Project, connects people to events and people to people. The Transmedia, blog will cover photography, video, sound, digital art and theory. Transmedia will focus on artists, writers and theorists from north, south, central America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.”

  2. Tiffany says:

    She looks like she is having a blast! I’m on the fence still about doing swimming lessons, but as my daughter loves the water so much, I think we’ll probably go ahead with them this fall.

    Stopping by from Angry Julie Monday linkup.

    • When my son took lessons he wasn’t quite two, and by the end of the two weeks he was jumping off of the diving board and swimming half way across the pool. I think they are all a little apprehensive in the beginning.

  3. mooney=mc2 says:

    We need to get our toddler into lessons as well. I was wondering if he would hate it, though he loves the water, he wouldn’t be happy to be on his back etc. Good to know your waterbug bounced back from the lessons she didn’t enjoy to still love the water! Happy WW

    • Little Miss hated every minute of it, and started crying when we turned onto the street, but … she got over it very quickly. I have found the best swim teachers are the ones that are teachers by trade. My son’s swim teacher taught 3rd grade during the fall and spring and swim lessons during the summer. My daughter’s swim teacher is a retired school teacher as well. I bet your son will do great.

  4. dumbmom says:

    Good for you two for sticking it out! I totally would thrown in the towel.

  5. Harriet says:

    That totally brings back some memories. 🙂

    Have a great day!

  6. Love it!!! So great that she is learning to swim early.

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